M. Jamil Hanifi

Zionist Master of “Three jihads”


The stimulating essay, “Three jihads: Islamic, Christian, and Jewish” by Laura Nader (Anthropology Today 31[2]: 1-2) offers a comparative overview of three religious ideologies and practices of domination and resistance in the Middle East during the past seven decades. Nader suggests that this violent interactive triangle of tensions is couched in the memories of historical Christian ventures (Crusades) and the policies and practices of their spiritual descendants—the recent Euro-American military interventions in the Middle East—and the ideological and collective violent Muslim resistance to this unwelcome Euro-American coercive presence. Zionized American fantasies of longing for the Crusades punctuate the uninformed and confused American popular political discourse. The following comment recently appeared in a major American newspaper: “Crusades were undertaken because Muslim beasts in 1095 were doing what Muslim terrorists are doing today: massacring Christians. The only thing wrong with the Crusaders was that these Christian soldiers returned home  before they had civilized the Muslim barbarians” (Sanger 2015: 4A).The most powerful component—the rhetorical hypotenuse—of the “Three Jihads” is the expansionist colonial cosmology and practices of the theocracy of Israel legitimated  by self-serving ideologies and myths (“birthright”, “rights of return”, “God’s favorite children”, “God given land to His favorite children”) and by variously manipulated narratives of the “Holocaust” by the Zionist European Jewish settler colony in Palestine starting in 1948 and continuing to this day. Indeed ever since the installation of the colony of Israel during 1948, the world, especially the Middle East, has not experienced one day of peace.  

The Euro-American popular media and political discourse starkly overstate the Muslim component of Nader’s “Three jihads” while tactfully understating its Christian, especially its Jewish component. The America media is preoccupied with reports about Muslim collective violence aimed at Judeo-Christian targets in Euro-America and in the Middle East. Over the last thirty five years the most widely discussed instances of these violent Muslim responses have been the anti-Soviet jehad(1) by the Mojaheddin (Arabic, holy warriors, President Reagan’s “Freedom Fighters” and the “equivalent of” American “founding fathers”) terrorists in Afghanistan, the post 1992 Taleban and the al-Qaeda movements in Central and South Asia, and ISIS in Iraq and Syria. (For the correct phonetic and syntactic construction of the label Taleban see [Hanifi 2002]). In Western popular, political, and much of the academic discourse the Taleban, al-Qaeda, and ISIS are identified as anti-European, anti-American, anti-Christian and “anti-Semitic” (rarely explicated as “anti-Jewish”) Muslim terrorists, extremists, militants, and anti-modern fundamentalists.

Recently two anti-Zionist young Americans were killed by state security forces in Garland, Texas. The young men were protesting the showing of profane and vulgar images of the Prophet Mohammad at a conference organized and led by Pamela Geller, a well known Zionist Jewish activist and some other elements of the Israeli lobby in the United States and Europe. A TV commentator (Juan Williams) noted that Pamela Geller “is like a pyromaniac who goes before a judge and says ‘I am setting those fires just to see how fast the fire department responds’”. Since one of the murdered young Americans had allegedly visited an ISIS website, there are currently widespread theories and speculations in US media and among the American security forces about the penetration of America by ISIS or ISIS supporters. Today (May 8, 2015) AOL circulated the following headlines on its website: “Jihadist threats prompts military to heighten security”; “US military bumps up threat level at bases in North America; “threat level raised due to ISIS activity in the US”. Zionist forces have injected the American government and media with eternal fear of and aggression against anti-Zionist struggles at home and abroad.  The May 8, 2015 “USA Today” newspaper included the following headlines:”FBI chief: U. S. can’t keep up with ISIL: Recruiting outpaces ability to track in USA” and “U. S. begins training Syrian fighters: first 5000-member force will be paid, equipped with arms” against ISIS and against the Shi’a dominated government of Syria if the latter interferes with American anti-ISIS operations. Zionized United States does not spare anyone—Sunnis, Shi’as, Arabs, Iranians—or anything in the way of expansionist Israel—from destabilization, bloodshed and destruction. Some analysts have suggest that if it wasn’t for the military might of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China, the United States of Israel would have pulverized everything from Northwest Africa to the Indus River and beyond in order to safeguard the “Promised Land” for “God’s Chosen People”.

An ethnographically and historically informed engagement of Nader’s “Three Jihads” produces a triangle of smoke and mirrors “holy wars” that are essentially  ideologically and operationally produced with the agency of Jewish Israel and its interlocutors located in all strategic locations of power in the American state apparatus and throughout the Euro-American political and civil societies. The alleged Muslim component of these “Three jihads” is in reality produced and manipulated by the unified Israeli and Euro-American policies and operations for the overall benefit of the Israeli theocracy and its expansion in Palestine and the suppression of any kind of opposition to Israeli colonial strategies. A brief discussion of the visible and stealth realities of the Zionist Euro-American jehadi imperial presence in the Muslim Middle East, South Asia, and North America is offered below. By Zionism I mean a Jewish Jehadi movement devoted to the establishment and expansion of the colony of Israel and the return of Jews to the “Promised Land”.    

The so called “jehad” in “crypto-colonial”(2) Afghanistan during the 1980s and early 1990s consisted of violent and destructive operations by the Mojaheddin terrorist gangs created, funded, and controlled by the United States and Israel. Members of these terrorist gangs were recruited, trained, and entertained in military camps in Pakistan and Egypt in order to embarrass and dishonor the Soviet Union in exchange for the humiliating American defeat in Vietnam. As part of the long range Zionist strategy, the Mojaheddin terrorists and their benefactors sowed the seeds of division and fragmentation in Muslim Afghanistan and the surrounding region. The label “jehad” for the Mojaheddin terrorism in Afghanistan was an exonym assigned to this terrorist operation by its American sponsors. I have rarely heard or seen the use of “jehad” as an autonym by and for the Mojaheddin terrorists.  

The vast majority of the millions of the so-called Afghan “refugees” in Pakistan during the 1980s were migrants who were encouraged by the United States to move to Pakistan in order to mask the Mojaheddin terrorism with “holy war” and to portray the legitimate government of Afghanistan as oppressive and un-Islamic (Hanifi 2000). In addition to recruiting, paying, training, and equipping the Mojaheddin terrorist gangs, the CIA, with the cover of the American government funded International Rescue Committee (IRC) and USAID, produced all the textbooks used in Afghan “refugee” schools in Pakistan. These textbooks contained narratives about and for an anti-Soviet jehad. In the mathematic textbooks produced by IRC exercises in division, addition, subtraction, and multiplication were illustrated with images of bullets and AK-47s. The Center for Afghanistan Studies at the University of Nebraska-Omaha (ASCUNO—the institutional academic arm of the CIA operations in Afghanistan) produced these jehadi textbooks. To this day (currently), most of the textbooks used in Afghanistan’s elementary and secondary schools are produced under the auspices of ASCUNO. Thomas Gouttierre, the director of ASCUBO, is known as the “father of Taleban”. (https://drksy.wordpress.com/2013/03/24/thomas-gouttierre-father-of-taliban/)
During the 1980s and 1990s carpet weavers among Afghan migrants in Pakistan produced miniature jehadi carpets (coasters and place mats) with images of AK-47s and tanks for the pleasure of Euro-American tourists. These jehadi miniature carpets can be found in some Afghan-owned carpet stores in the United States and Europe.

The leaders of the Mojaheddin terrorists were invited during 1985 to the White House where they officially met President Ronald Reagan. Many of these American-parented jehadi terrorists (and their relatives and friends) occupy prominent positions in the current American sponsored (and subsidized) government bureaucracy of Kabul. Ashraf Ghani, “president” of Afghanistan is widely admired in Euro-American media for his “flawless English”. Before becoming president, Ghani served as the leading comprador consultant to General David Petraeus, commander of the Euro-American occupation forces in Afghanistan. See Edward Said (1989) for the role of local (native) collaborators with colonialism. The current vice President of Afghanistan, Abdul Rashid Dostum, was the leader of a branch of the Mojaheddin terrorists. Thousands of former Afghan jehadi terrorists currently live in Euro-America and Australia as “refugees”.

The American occupation forces in Afghanistan widely distributed Dari and Pashtu language copies of the Christian Bible throughout Afghanistan. All American military bases in Afghanistan were staffed with Christian chaplains and pastors. MOSSAD (the Israeli intelligence agency) played a prominent role in the creation of the organization of the Afghan government intelligence agencies during the early years of the American occupation and it continues to maintain agents throughout the country. The Lebanese Christian wife of Ashraf Ghani and the Austrian Jewish wife of Zalmay Khalizad (a major architect of the American invasion of Afghanistan and the former US ambassador to Afghanistan and Iraq) are known Zionists. http://www.khorasanzameen.net/php/en/read.php?id=2873

The Taleban movement (also called “rebels”, “insurgents”, “terrorists”, “fundamentalists”) emerged from the American sponsored Mojaheddin jehadi terrorist groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan. During 1997 a high ranking delegation of Taleban visited the United States to negotiate an agreement (with UNOCAL and the US government) for the construction of an oil pipeline from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to India and Pakistan and to the Arabian Sea. The 9/11 bombings of the World Trade Center and the subsequent American occupation of Afghanistan has sidelined, not eliminated, the prospects of this pipeline.  In its overt jihadist context, the Taleban (and other anti-Euro-American) suicide bombings are locally viewed as “sacrifice bombings” not suicide bombings.  The suicide bombers are not committing suicide; they are committing “sacrifice” for the sake of Allah and in defense of one’s Muslim community and culture (Hanifi 2005).  

Likewise, the al-Qaeda (Arabic, the foundation) has genealogical roots in several American sponsored (but mostly non-Afghan) jehadi terrorist gangs in Afghanistan. The Saudi Arabian Osama Ben-Laden and his al-Qaeda were awarded a 100 million dollar contract by the United States to develop the Tora Bora cave complex in eastern Afghanistan as a base for terrorist operations by President Reagan’s “Freedom Fighters”.

Destabilize, fragment, divide, dominate and control the Muslim Middle East (and the Muslim World in the long run) is the master narrative of Zionist Euro-America.  During the 1980s global Zionist agencies persuaded the United States to orchestrate the war between Iran and Iraq. Both countries received massive quantities of weapons from the United States for this war. This American subsidized conflict resulted in the death of millions of Iranians and Iraqis and provided the preface for the first Gulf War and the pretext for the destruction of the secular state of Iraq during 2003. The ideological fuel for the destruction of Iraq was provided by Zionist “neo-con” think tanks in the United States for the benefit of Zionist Israel (MacDonald 2004; Mearsheimer and Walt 2007)      

A critical and informed gaze at the so-called “Arab Spring”, the destruction of secular and stable Iraq and Libya, the ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) or ISIL (Islamic State if Iraq and the Levant [Syria and Lebanon]), and  other Muslim jehadi groups in the Middle East are tactfully constructed Israeli-American creations (like the Taleban and al-Qaeda) to promote discord and tensions between Sunnis and Shi’as, between Arabs and non-Arabs in order to further destabilize, fragment, and divide  the region to the advantage of Zionist Israel. In the short run some Sunni collaborators in the region (Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the Kurds) benefit from collaboration with Israel and the United States.  The current anti-ISIS and anti-Shi’a (anti-Iran and anti-Syria) phase of American intervention in Southwest Asia is the prelude to a large scale Israeli-American military intervention aimed at creating a Kurdish state —a “Kurdistan”—that will destabilize and rearticulate the region and to create a “national” pro-Zionist (and pro Euro-American) state for the 23 million Kurds spread over northwestern Iran, northern Iraq and eastern Turkey. This will not only further fragment Iraq, it will also destabilize Iran and Turkey. It will create another Zionist subsidized political, ideological and territorial divide and conflict zone between the Sunnis and the Shi’as and amongst Arab, Kurdish, Persian, and Turkish ethnolinguistic groups. More importantly, the Jewish jehad, with the crafty pretense of the union Judeo-Christian America, is aiming to draw Iran into direct military confrontation with the Sunnis, especially Kurds and the Saudis. This will ultimately create the pretext to “bomb” and destabilize Iran. American sponsored Zionist Israel will not rest until it totally drowns the Muslim Middle East in its own blood. But given the ease with which modern technology can produce and circulate weapons of mass destruction, movement toward achieving this American subsidized Zionist objective potentially brings the theocracy of Israel ever so closer to committing the greatest mass suicide in the history of mankind.

The expansionist Israeli Jewish jehad in the Middle East (and throughout the Muslim world) extends far beyond what is explicated by Laura Nader. Zionist Jews and neo-crusading Christian supporters of Israel as “The Promised Land”, the divine inheritance of Jews as “the chosen people” have penetrated the American civil and political societies from top to bottom and from sea to shining sea. They think of Jews as “the chosen people” of God or “holy people”. The American “Military Industrial Complex” is controlled and operated by the ideology of unqualified support for the theocracy of Israel. There is not a single location of power in the United States—from the White House to the US Congress, to the Federal Reserve, to the State and Defense Departments, to the Supreme Court, to academia, to the judiciary, to the banking system, to the media, to the professions (law and medicine) to Hollywood—that is not controlled by Zionist Jews and their Christian collaborators. Rashid Khalidi offers a succinct portrayal of how Zionism penetrated and continues to dominate American political and civil society. http://www.thejerusalemfund.org/ht/redisplay/1/printerfriendly/1 
According to President Jimmy Carter the United States has provided more than two hundred nuclear weapons to Israel. Israel receives more than six billion dollars from the United States annually. Large numbers of the graduates of the various United State military academies visit Israel for joint military exercises and for symbolic reasons which promote learning “to hate the enemy, Palestine”. The security structure and operations of the United States are modeled after their Israeli counterparts.  Every day dozens of Jewish families migrate from the United States to Israel for settlement in “the promised land” and the fulfillment of the “Birthright” fantasy.

The artfully disguised Zionist jehad for Israeli expansion and global domination has severed the nerve for critical awareness in Euro-America, especially in the United States. This masterfully produced Jewish crypto-jehad constantly and tactfully manipulates the state apparatus of the United States, especially its political, military, and economic resources for the benefit of ever-expanding Israel. These Zionist tactics and strategies are systematically discussed in the scholarly writings of Kevin MacDonald (2003a, 2003b, 2004) and John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt (2007). These highly organized and cohesive Zionist strategies have effectively installed in the mind and consciousness of Americans the software for a sacred organic unity with Jewish Israel as a “democracy” and the “staunchest ally” of America in the world. America has become the “holy mother” of Israel. The Jewish Israeli child is convinced that its mother will shield it from every form of international sanction for its violation of basic human rights and all forms of criminal behavior against the Palestinians, others in the neighborhood, and even against the United States itself. Every attempt by the international community to hold Israel responsible for its perennial unlawful conduct is blocked by mommy USA. The United States has never voted for sanctions against the theocracy of Israel in the United Nations. Zionist Jewish jehad has armored Israel with the veto power of the United States in the United Nations.

Zionist Jews and their Christian collaborators constantly manipulate the American political and public spheres through highly organized strategies and tactics in the American public media and in American political, religious, and academic discourse for controlling the military and economic might of the United States. Zionist Jewish strategists and tacticians in American media have taken Erving Goffman’s “Impression Management” model to highly refined modern and post-modern levels of perfection. Islam, Arabs, Iran, Afghanistan, President Rouhani, and everything else that immediately or potentially, explicitly or implicitly, directly or indirectly, threatens the interests of expansionist Israel become automatically anti-Semitic and anti-American. Zionists Jews make every effort to create tensions and conflicts between the United States and the Muslim world; they calculate that the deeper these tensions and conflicts the closer will Israel be to its benefactor USA. In American media representations of roars of “Death to America” in Tehran instantly produce echoes of “Death to Israel”.      

In American public discourse—in print, art or speech—reference to “Jew”, “Jewish”, and Jewish Israel is a taboo tantamount to “thou shalt not take the name of the Lord (Jew) thy God (Israel) in vain”. The mere mention of these labels in public space evokes unease and thoughts of “anti-Semitism”. The label “anti-Semite” or “anti-Semitic” is automatically earned if one identifies or even hints in public at the Jewish identity of Zionists like Alan Dershowitz, Billy Krystal, Joseph Lieberman, Frank Gaffny, Rahm Emanuel, Daniel Pipes, David Axelrod, or David Horowitz, to name a few. Dershowitz has called President Jimmy Carter an “anti-Israeli bigot” because of Carter’s pro-Palestinian views (Shalom TV, March 8, 2008). Zionist strategist and tacticians have produced the cosmology that Jewish humanity is superior to other forms of humanity. Zionism has crafted an exceptional victim status for Jews. This status is punctuated with six million Jewish victims in Germany during WWII.  In some European countries it is a crime to question or be critical of the historical validity, location(s), scope, or size of the Jewish “Holocaust” in Europe during mid-20th century. Zionists tactfully discourage the application of the term “holocaust” to other mass killings of human beings by other human beings such as the 17th-19th century slaughter of millions of Native Americans by European colonists, the 13th century killing of millions by Changaez Khan in Central and West Asia, the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of defenseless Japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by American nuclear bombs during August 1945, and the 1982 massacre of thousands of Palestinians by Israeli armed forces in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon. However, there is an emerging critical popular and academic discourse about the Jewish holocaust as a mere “holohoax”. I have seen estimates of 500K in reference to the number of Jewish “Holocaust” victims.   


(1) The nuanced meaning of the doctrine of jehad is rooted in the variable Arabic verb jahd (to resist, to toil, to exert, to struggle, to strive, to strain, to fight, to wage, to endeavor). These subtle variations of jahd may be used in conjunction with and contextualized in varieties of adjectives, adverbs, and nouns but not used syntactically as a free standing noun. I use jehad as a verb—an activity, action, practice, or performance—that individually or collectively mutates into “struggle” toward a particular objective. This usage is consistent with the local linguistic syntax and cultural norms. It should be emphasized that the word “al-jehad” translates as “struggle” (verb) in the Arabic phrase “al-jehad fi sabil Allah” (struggle for the sake of Allah). Talal Asad (2007) succinctly argues for the importance of ideologies that anchor the motivation and intent for all that is currently labeled as Islamic jehad, terrorism, suicide bombings, and Western collective violence.

(2) After Michael Herzfeld (2002). From its inception to WWII Afghanistan was dominated by imperial Great Britain as a pawn in what is called “The Great Game” in Central Asia. The geographical space referred to as Afghanistan has been an invisible colony of Great Britain from the early nineteenth century to the end of WWII. The country in its current format was born as a crypto-colony of Great Britain during late nineteenth century when its borders were cartographically delineated by Britain and its central government controlled through British subsidies. After WWII Afghanistan became a crypto-colony of the United States replacing Great Britain as its stealth colonial benefactor through “development” projects with hand-me-down or trash can political and material tools of modernity. Of course, the post-2001 domination effect of the United States in Afghanistan is not so invisible in spite of the public declarations of “independence” and “sovereignty” by the American installed and subsidized government in Kabul.  

Asad, Talal. 2007. On Suicide Bombings. New York: Columbia University Press.

Hanifi, M. J. 2000. Anthropology and the Representation of Recent Migrations from Afghanistan. In E. M. Godziak and D. J. Shandy (eds).  Rethinking Refuge and Displacement, 291-321.  Washington, DC: American Anthropological Association.

__2002. Taleban—Not Taliban. Anthropology News 43(4): 3.

__2005. Interrogating Conventional Wisdom about Terrorism. Anthropology News 46(6): 7.

Herzfeld, M. 2002. The Absent Presence: Discourses of Crypto-Colonialism. The South Atlantic Quarterly 101(4):899-926.

MacDonald, K. 2003a. Understanding Jewish Influence I: Background Traits for Jewish Activism. The Occidental Quarterly 3(2): 5-37.

__2003b. Understanding Jewish Influence II: Zionism and the Internal Dynamics of Judaism. The Occidental Quarterly 3(3): 17-45.

__2004. Understanding Jewish Influence III: Neoconservatism as a Jewish Movement. The Occidental Quarterly 4(2): 9-74.

Mearsheimer, J. J. and S. M. Walt. 2007. The Israeli lobby and the U. S. foreign policy. New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux.

Said, Edward. 1989. Representing the Colonized: Anthropology’s Interlocutors. Critical Inquiry 15(2): 204-225.

Sanger, J. 2015. Obama wrong on Crusades. Lansing State Journal (May 6): 4A.

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